Posts Tagged ‘ lifestyle app

App Review: TimeAct Task Manager

In this day and era where most of people’s minds are bombarded with lots of non-sense trivial things, forgetting, it seems, is now as common as breathing. It’s as if technology has given us tons of stuff to think about which are perfectly camouflaged by the comfort it brings to our daily lives. A mobile device, offers instant communication but we can’t ever escape the tense feeling of guarding the device with all our might. Too much information means there are lesser space for us to think about the mundane but essential tidbits of our dailies; deadlines, for one.

Okay, there’s more to life than deadlines because there are also birthdays, anniversaries, getaways, holidays, first day of classes… etc. Unless you have a photographic memory or just a bad-ass type of brain that can remember things and shizz, then good for you. But for the unfortunate ones, we ought to rely on a trustee planner to dictate everything for us instead. Although that’s not forever the case, because we can even forget to write important reminders in the planner itself. Sad, isn’t it? But there might be a cure to that! Since what we can’t possibly forget is to bring our mobile devices with us, why not equip it with a task managing app that has all the right quirks to keep you in track? Read all about this Android app called after the cut.

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